Up to and throughout the Black Friday weekend, we'll be updating this page with all the very best deals, handpicked by our expert authors. We know all the best places to get deals as well as whether or not an offer is genuinely value for money. We've been covering Black Friday for years and years here on Guitar Player, so we know a thing or two about spotting a good deal when it arrives. If that's not enough for you, make sure you check out up to 30% off at Fender in their Fall Sale. There's also a hefty up to 40% off at Musician's Friend, and up to 35% off at Guitar Center. The Black Friday guitar deals have finally started landing, and we're pleased to report that there are some fantastic offers available even though we're not quite at the Cyber Weekend properly.Īll the major retailers have launched sales, with Sweetwater topping the percentage charts thanks to their offer of up to 70% off music gear.